How Could Your Loved One Benefit From Services for Developmental Disabilities?

See what kinds of programs we offer in the Tupper Lake, NY area

The Adirondack Arc's mission: To provide opportunities to people with developmental disabilities to live a full and meaningful life through improved support in all areas of life. That's why we offer a wide range of services for developmental disabilities to residents of Tupper Lake, NY and surrounding areas.

We support...

  • Individuals by providing education for people with disabilities
  • Parents and guardians by offering as-needed and 24-hour home support services for their loved ones
  • Our community by encouraging Franklin and Hamilton County residents to live, work, learn and volunteer with those we support

Contact us today to learn more.

Our home support services help people with disabilities develop social and life skills.

Children enrolled in our preschool program can learn, play and grow in a supportive environment.

This program is designed for people interested in independent living.

About The Adirondack Arc

We continue to be a leader in providing support and education for people with disabilities in Tupper Lake, NY and surrounding areas. Through our CQL-accredited organization, people with disabilities can...

Homes Tupper Lake, NY

Live in comfortable homes and apartments with people they choose

Jobs Tupper Lake, NY

Get help applying for jobs and preparing for interviews

Active Member Tupper Lake, NY

Become active members of their community

Our values

We believe that people with disabilities have dignity and worth. As a result, they're entitled to legal and human rights, as well as self-determination and choice.

By encouraging those we help to live in community settings, we can help people with disabilities develop social capital, forge community partnerships and participate in shared leadership.

Open communication and continuous learning and improvement are the foundations of our services for developmental disabilities. To learn more about our organization or services, contact us today.


Residential Services | Preschool Program | Dayhab without walls