Membership Matters!

Individual members are the strength of The Arc's nationwide movement! Individuals working together as members provided the foundation for The Arc and the many programs now available for children and adults with Intellectual and developmental disabilities. The Arc continues to be the driving force for improving the quality of life, working on behalf of the 7.2 million people in the U.S. with developmental disabilities, and their families.

A chapter's membership contributes to a strong and effective nationwide presence. Here are five important reasons why you should consider membership in The Arc:

  • Members provide clout. A large membership base means a louder voice to legislators and national policy makers.
  • We need many more of the nation's citizens with intellectual disabilities and their families to have access to our services, a say in our advocacy efforts, and awareness of the Arc's presence.
  • As more volunteers are attracted to the Arc's work, our leadership base for the future can develop and grow.
  • We need a better informed public. Awareness is an outgrowth of membership, and awareness is the first step to creating society-wide acceptance of people with disabilities.
  • We need money to fulfill our commitments to those we serve. Membership dues will help generate funds to get the job done on a local, state, and national level.
The effective involvement of people has made The Arc's movement unique in comparison to the structure and functions of other charitable organizations.

The Arc is an organization powered and influenced by the grass roots efforts of county chapters. Local action influences directions nationwide, constitute the basis for power, and promotes social change. An active, working membership is necessary to meet future challenges. Please support the efforts of The Adirondack Arc, with your member contribution and volunteer time.


Interested in sharing your hobbies or interests with a person with disabilities? Swimmers, gardeners, musicians, bird watchers, woods walkers, bingo players, avid readers, people interested in community activities. We encourage community inclusion on a one-on-one basis.

For a membership or volunteer application, contact HR Supervisor at